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#107 : Le sanctuaire (partie 2)

Terry Clayton est en réalité à la solde des extraterrestres. Il doit leurs livrer les enfants pour qu'ils soient harnachés. Quand Mike et Hal découvrent la vérité, ils décident de fuir en envoyant Ben en éclaireur. Pendant ce temps, Tom inquiet décide de rejoindre les enfants à la ferme et se retrouve lui aussi prisonnier. Qui pourra venir les sauver?

Audience US de l'épisode : 4,07 millions de téléspectateurs
Audience FR de l'épisode : 0,27 million de téléspectateurs


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Sanctuary (part two)

Titre VF
Le sanctuaire (partie 2)

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Anne et Maggie s'occupent de Sara qui est sur le point d'accoucher

Anne et Maggie s'occupent de Sara qui est sur le point d'accoucher

Maggie réconforte Sara

Maggie réconforte Sara

Anne Glass (Moon Bloodgood)

Anne Glass (Moon Bloodgood)

Maggie, Anne et Sara

Maggie, Anne et Sara

Anne et le capitaine Weaver

Anne et le capitaine Weaver

Anne écoute le coeur du bébé avec le stéthoscope

Anne écoute le coeur du bébé avec le stéthoscope

Maggie, Anne et Sara

Maggie, Anne et Sara

Dan Weaver (Will Patton)

Dan Weaver (Will Patton)

Anne Glass (Moon Bloodgood)

Anne Glass (Moon Bloodgood)

Maggie (Sarah Carter)

Maggie (Sarah Carter)

John Pope (Colin Cunningham)

John Pope (Colin Cunningham)

Tom vient prendre des nouvelles de John Pope

Tom vient prendre des nouvelles de John Pope

Anne et Tom regardent Sara qui s'apprête à donner la vie

Anne et Tom regardent Sara qui s'apprête à donner la vie

Anne Glass (Moon Bloodgood)

Anne Glass (Moon Bloodgood)

Hal Mason (Drew Roy)

Hal Mason (Drew Roy)

Les jeunes de la deuxièmes division en route vers le lycée

Les jeunes de la deuxièmes division en route vers le lycée

Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Sergio Mimica-Gezzan
Scénariste : Melinda Hsu Taylor

Distribution :

Noah Wyle ... Tom Mason
Drew Roy ...
Hal Mason
Connor Jessup ... Ben Mason
Maxim Knight ...
Matt Mason
Moon Bloodgood ... Anne Glass
Will Patton ...
Dan Weaver
Seychelle Gabrielle ...
Lourdes Delgado
Peter Shinkoda ...
Sarah Carter ... Maggie
Colin Cunningham ... John Pope
Dylan Authors ... Jimmy Boland
Andrey Ivchenko ... Schlatter
Chavis Brown ... O'Neil
Daniyah Ysrayl ... Rick Thompson
Melissa Kramer ... Sarah
Henry Czerny ... Terry Clayton
Martin Roach ... Mike Thompson
Jaclyn Forbes ... Elyse
Sarah Stunt ... Tessa Greene
J.D. Nichoslen ... Monsieur Greene

Évènements importants : > ATTENTION SPOILERS !! <

* John Pope échappe à la garde de Terry Clayton.

* Après avoir trouvé le sac à dos d'Eli Russell, Mike Thompson apprend la vérité. Terry révèle qu'il a conclu un accord de sécurité avec les rampants en échange de la transmission d'enfants à eux.

* Mike aide les enfants à s'échapper, mais est assassiné par Terry.

* Tom se méfie de la façon dont les choses se passent et découvre les mensonges de Terry.

* Alors que les enfants se réfugient dans une maison, Ben part seul pour trouver de l'aide. Il localise Tom et Dai et les avertit de la situation.

* La 7ème division trouve la maison où les enfants se cachent et se lance dans une bataille d'armes avec Hal, aidé par Pope. Tom se rend pour mettre fin au combat.

* La 7ème dvision retourne au Sanctuaire pour trouver la 2e division qui les attend, après y avoir été conduite par Ben. Après que Terry ait visé Hal, il est tué par Tom. La 7ème division est abandonnée avec un avertissement de ne plus faire d’accord avec les rampants.

* Avec l'aide de Dan Weaver, Sarah accouche avec succès sa fille Charlotte.

* Auparavant isolé de ses amis, Ben semble être accepté après avoir aidé à sauver les enfants.

* Lors d'un enterrement pour Mike, Rick Thompson montre une dissociation complète de la race humaine, se croyant faire partie des rampants.

* John Pope est autorisé à rejoindre la 2e division.

Information sur le tournage :

* Pas un seul rampant/méca n'apparaît dans cet épisode. Pour la première fois, l'ennemi est entièrement humain.

Au Sanctuaire

C'est une journée qui semble commencer dans la sécurité du Sanctuaire. Les enfants jouent au football comme si tout danger était oublié. Cependant, des tensions commencent à apparaître et Jimmy se montre méfiant envers Ben, refusant de lui envoyer le ballon même si cela signifie perdre le ballon. Ben bien entendu, ne comprend pas et tente de ne pas prêter attention au mépris de ses camarades. Hal semble flirter avec Tessa, une membre permanente du Sanctuaire.

A l'école

Tout le monde attend son tour pour manger. Maggie reste avec Sarah, une jeune femme, enceinte et sur le point de donner naissance. Au passage de Weaver, elle lui fait part de ses inquiétudes. Puis Maggie explique qu'elle restera avec Sarah et fera tout pour facilité ses mouvements car il faut bien quelqu'un pour s'occuper d'elle.

Au sanctuaire

Hal et Tessa se retrouvent dans la cuisine. Celui-ci s’extasie sur l'abondance de nourriture. Clayton revient avec de jolies pommes tout justes cueillies. Tout dans cet endroit semble paradisiaque, sûr, loin des combats.

Dans la grange

Mais tout semble trop beau et Clayton se rend dans la grange où Pope est retenu prisonnier.Celui-ci est entré par effraction sur leur terrain et à depuis servi, bien malgré lui, de source quant à la position de la 2nd Mass. Il fait une réflexion culinaire puis il en vient à ce qui l’intéresse le plus. Le contrat passé avec les Rampants. Clayton lui répond que ce n'est plus à propos de gagner mais survivre.
Finalement Pope parvient à s'enfuir après une affrontement non-mortel avec le père de Tessa. Sur la route, il trouve les deux soldats qui avaient accompagné les enfants. Ceux-ci sont morts.

A l'école

Tom commence à s'inquiéter, il n'y a aucune trace de Porter ni des rampants. Il décide de partir vérifier que tout va bien du côté du Sanctuaire. Malgré le désaccord de Weaver qui veut respecter les ordres, il part avec Dai. Il refuse de laisser ses fils en danger.

Au sanctuaire

Le père de Tessa s'inquiètent de la disparition de Pope mais Clayton le rassure : Pope ne reviendra pas pour les enfants, ils doivent garder les illusions présentes.
Tout le monde est à table lorsqu'ils arrivent. La bonne humeur est au rendez-vous. Seul Rick n'a pas l'air d'apprécier l’hospitalité, malgré les réflexions de Mike. Il se retourne vers Ben, lui demandant commet celui-ci peut ne serais-ce que manger leur nourriture. Ben, vexé et déstabilisé, quitte la table.
Hal quitte à son tour la table. Lourdes se moque du comportement de Tessa qui flirte visiblement avec l'aîné des Masons. En partant, Lourdes trouve le sac à dos d'Eli Russel.
Une fois dehors, Tessa rejoint Hal qui commence à se demander pourquoi les sentinelles les regardent plus eux que la route. Alors que Tessa lui demande si il aime être ici, avec des intentions cachées de toute évidence, si son père est toujours en vie, Lourdes et Mike viennent et demandent à parler à Hal.
Enfin à l'écart, les trois plus vieux partagent leurs doutes, lourdes à cause du sac, Hal des sentinelles. Mike déstabilisé leur conseil d'aller se reposer et leur promet des réponses au matin.

Dans la grange

Mike, convaincu que cela doit être une erreur, décide d'aller voir un peu partout. Dans la grange, cependant, il trouve plusieurs vêtements et objets appartenant à des enfants, dont des vêtements de Eli Russel. Clayton le confronte alors, tente de se justifier, lui expliquant l'histoire de la petite Megan. Celle ci n'était autre qu'une enfant prise par les rampants durant la dernière attaque de la 7ème Mass. C'est ainsi qu'il a comprit que les rampants avaient des quotas à remplir et accepter le contrat avec eux. En somme, il donne des enfants en échange de l'immunité pour son groupe. Il tente de convaincre Mike que c'est la seule solution et que si il les rejoint Rick sera sain et sauf.

A l'école

Un groupe de femme entoure Maggie et Sarah. Ils attendent avec impatience la naissance du bébé. Mais Anne les envoi dans une autre pièce pendant qu'elle fait un check-up à la futur maman. Maggie reste à la demande de Sarah qui explique comment elle à fait pour tomber enceinte avec un si mauvais timing. La jeune femme fit une fécondation in vitro quelques mois seulement avant l'invasion.

Au sanctuaire

A l'étage, tout les enfants sont endormis. Seul Mike et Hal restent éveillés. Le plus vieux commence à lui parler de son fils et du cauchemars ressenti lorsque Rick à été enlevé. Il dit «  J'ai détesté lorsqu'ils l'ont pris mais je déteste encore plus ce qu'ils lui ont fait ». C'est à ce moment précis qu'il prend sa décision. Tout les enfants sont éveillés violemment et la fuite est ordonnée.
En descendant, ils rencontrent Tessa. Hal ne peut croire qu'elle est au courant de tout cela. Elle lui répond « J'allais leur parler de toi, arranger pour que tu puisse rester ». Trahis, celui-ci ordonne l’évacuation immédiate. Tessa réveille son père et Clayton.
Très vite, tout les hommes sont dehors et Mike est obligé de se mettre à l'abri avec Rick derrière une voiture. Des échanges de coups de feu commencent. Mike demande à Hal de prendre soin de son fils puis les envoi loin pendant qu'il retient les assaillants. Alors que les coups de feu se poursuivent, Clayton tente de convaincre une dernière fois Mike de les rejoindre, affirmant qu'il ne peut de toute façon pas les arrêter. « Peut être que je ne peux pas l'arrêter mais je suis sûr d'une chose, je n'en ferais pas parti ! » hurle Mike avant de poursuivre son effort. Clayton passe par derrière.
Dans la forêt, les enfants entendent un coup de feu. C'est Mike.

A l'école

Tom revient enfin, bredouille. Non seulement il n'a pas trouvé les enfants, mais il n'a pas non plus trouvé le sanctuaire. La carte donnée par Clayton est fausse mais le père ne laissera pas cela l'arrêter et repart avec Dai.

Sur la route

Le groupe d'enfants marche depuis plusieurs heures, guidé par les deux aînés, Hal et Lourdes. Mais ils sont fatigués et Hal sait que Mike ne reviendra pas. Il ordonne donc au groupe de se rendre dans une maison, où ils pourront se reposer avant de repartir. Sur place Lourdes trouve un piano avec l'un de ses morceaux favoris. Cela fait longtemps qu'elle n'a pas joué et se met au piano. Pendant ce temps, Ben propose à son frère de partir chercher de l'aide. Il n'est pas fatigué et va plus vite que les autres. Après quelques doutes de la part de Jaimie, toujours méfiant du cadet des Mason, la décision est prise et Ben part de son côté.
Alors qu'il fait une petite pause hydratation, Ben entend les hommes de la 7ème Mass. Il se cache.

A l'école

Anne s'inquiète pour le bébé de Sarah. Celui-ci ne s'est pas retourné correctement et elle va devoir faire quelque chose mais elle n'est pas rassurée. Elle ne l'a jamais fait. Weaver, inquiet de ne pas pouvoir la faire bouger, vient prendre des nouvelles de la futur maman. Il apprend le problème et propose son aide. Son aîné avait le même problème, et il avait aidé le médecin à la retourner.

Sur la route

Tom et Dai font une pause dans leur recherche lorsqu'ils aperçoivent Ben courir dans leur direction. Celui ci leur explique la situation. Tom lui demande de rentrer à l'école, chercher de l'aide, avec Dai.

Dans la maison

Matt et Jaimie jouent à la bataille navale, tandis que Lourdes récupère des biens des placards. Alors qu'ils s’apprêtent à partir, Clayton leur ordonne de sortir. Mais Hal n'est pas prêt à se laisser capturer aussi facilement et alors qu'il demande à Lourdes de faire sortir les enfants par derrière, il commence à tirer. Alors que Clayton ordonne son exécution, une balle touche un des assaillants dans le dos. C'est Pope qui, détestant plus que tout tout ceux qui s'allient avec les rampants, est venu les aider. Mais le motard est touché à la jambe. C'est alors que Tom apparaît, tout d'abord méfiant. Puis, ils tentent de mettre au point une stratégie. Tom,inquiet pour ses fils, refuse de prendre les armes contre 6 ou 7 hommes armés. Il décide donc de se rendre et ment en disant que Pope est mort.
Il dit ensuite aux autres qu'il sait qu'ils mentent car Porter est arrivé et est en chemin. Clayton, le croyant, accepte sa reddition. Tom ordonne aux enfants de baisser les armes et de sortir. Tout ceci ne plaît pas tellement à Hal, qui obéit cependant. Son père lui avoue qu'ils auraient pu être blessé et qu'il ne pouvait pas le laisser faire.
Tous marchent jusqu'au sanctuaire. Enfin sur place, Clayton ordonne tout le monde, sauf Tom et Hal, dans la grange. Et alors que leur avenir est incertain, Weaver et une troupe interrompe les festivités. Tout le monde se rend mais Clayton sort une arme et menace Hal. Tom, sans hésitation, le tue avant qu'il n'abatte son garçon.
Tout danger écarté, Ben fait son apparition et sert fort sa famille dans ses bras.
Weaver prend la décision de récupéré les armes des assaillants et de les laisser partir avec la promesse de revenir pour eux si ils apprennent qu'ils continuent leur trafic.

A l'infirmerie

Deux nouveaux patients sont présents et tout deux semblent de mauvaise humeur, la première, la petite Charlotte fait le bonheur de sa maman et de tout le monde autour. Le second, le ronchon Pope, se plaint du bruit. Le biker, blessé à la jambe, s'en sortira et reprend sa place dans la 2nd Mass.


C'est l'heure des funérailles militaires de Mike. Hal prend tout d'abord la parole pour remercier le père et soldat pour son sacrifice. Puis Tom fait une allusion historique (toujours égal à lui même) pour souhaiter à son ami de reposer en paix. Puis Lourdes conclue cet instant plein d'émotion par une chanson.
Tom, de retour à sa place, confie à Weaver qu'il croira son instinct la prochaine fois et Rick, toujours aussi étrange, critique les humains devant Ben. « Nous n'aurions jamais tuer l'un des nôtres. Tu devrais comprendre ça ».

Rédigé par DoctorDean

The children play soccer in the Sancturary.

Hal: Oh, sorry! Yeah, I'll get it back out to you.

Young man: Take it, Jimmy. Take it! Take it! Take it!

Ben: Jimmy, I'm open! Over here! Jimmy, I'm open! I'm open! Come on! Over here!

Someone: Ah.

Hal: Lourdes.

Ben: Oh, come on, guys. We can take them. We can take them.

Matt: You weren't even trying!

Hal: I wasn't trying? You just showed up!

Ben: Yeah, what were you doing over there?

A girl: Just leaving me all by myself.

Hal: Come on, guys! Keep your heads up! We can take them! Let's do this!

Tessa; Sanctuary 8, 2nd Mass 0. I don't think so.

Hal: Oh. Well, you may have us on age and height, and there's something you need to know about the 2nd Mass., Tessa.

Tessa: Mm.

Hal: We don't give up.

Lourdes: I'll walk it out.

Ben: Didn't you see me there? - I was right there.

Jimmy: Yeah, yeah. I saw you. Just stay away from me, okay?

Matt: Hey, they're going back.

Hal: Yeah, Clayton's walking our fighter escorts to the main road. If the Skitter attack's as bad as they say it's gonna be, they'll be happy to have them back.

Matt: When's dad gonna catch up?

Hal: Soon as the 3rd Mass. makes the rendezvous -- couple days Max. Hey. I miss him, too. All right, guys.

Tessa's father: Tessa!

Hal (playing): Take it, Jimmy! Take it! Take it!

The father: You're not gonna let them score even once?

Tessa: You know me.

The father: Yeah. That's right. I do. You like that one, don't you?

Tessa: Dad.

The father: You know why they're here. Just don't like him too much.

Back at the school. In the gymnase.

Weaver: Keep that ammo out back with the 50 Cal. Skitters and Mechs can't be far behind. We're gonna have to be able to move fast.

Maggie: Yeah, that's gonna be easier for some than others.

Weaver: Sarah, right? Did Dr.Glass give you any kind of E.T.A.?

Sarah: Yeah.Two days ago. He's stubborn.

Weaver: So it's a boy.

Sarah: Don't know. Just didn't like calling him an "it."

Weaver: All right. Well, let's hope that you can hang on till after we move. Excuse me.

Sarah: Captain, do you have any children?

Weaver: Two daughters.

Maggie: You better get in line before the pot runs dry, mama.

Sarah gets in line to get something to eat.

Weaver: If this attack happens, she's gonna have to keep up.

Maggie: Don't worry about her. We'll do what we have to do.

Weaver: "We"? What are you, her keeper?

Maggie: No. I'm just pragmatic. Get in the chow line with the pregnant lady, nobody even minds if you ask for seconds.

She leaves him to get in line too.

Back at the sanctuary. In the kitchen.

Hal: Used to hate eating my vegetables.

Tessa: You won't hate these. They're from our garden. And the zucchini is amazing.

Clayton ( coming in): Better than anything you had at Central Square.

Mike: Welcome back. Any problems?

Clayton: No. Your friends are on their way. And I didn't see any sign of Skitters, so I made a detour.

Hal: Apples.

Clayton: Fresh and ripe as can be. You go ahead, help yourself.

Mike: Pretty nice setup you got here, Terry. You're settling in.

Clayton: You think we're getting complacent?

Mike: I've just gotten used to packing light.

Clayton: Yeah, well, we're pretty secluded up here. Like I said, the Skitters have already swept the area, so ... And if we did have to jump, we could still hit the ground running.

Tessa's father comes in and exanges a agreed nodding with Clayton.

Tessa: Hey, dad, try some?

He tastes the stew.

The father: Mm-hmm. How does she do that? How do you do that? It's great, Hon.

Tessa: Thanks.

The father: Terry, you needed a hand with that generator?

Clayton: You got it.

Hal: This goes in here?

Tessa: Yeah, that's good. Thanks.

Clayton and the father discretly enter the barn, where Pope, prisoner, awaits.

Pope: I smell asparagus, which means you're boiling it, which means you're ruining it.

Clayton: We'll pass that on to the chef. Kudos, once again, for the information. you said it was gonna be.

Pope: It wasn't exactly voluntary.

Clayton: And like I said, this doesn't have to be this way.

Pope: Mm. So, what is this, my last chance to convert?

Clayton: Maybe.

Pope: You must have done one hell of a Tony Robbins on those people to get them to hand over their kids.

Clayton: I served with those people. Weaver's always been by the book, so new orders from Colonel Porter were enough for him, and, uh, his second-in-command, um Mason. It's pretty clear he'd do anything to protect his boys.

Pope: You really think you can deal with those lizards?

Clayton: It's not about winning or losing anymore, Pope. It's about surviving.

Pope: Yeah, where does that leave you and me?

Clayton: Right where we were after you broke into our supply shed.

Pope: Well, to be fair, it was unlocked.

Clayton : Yeah, because you stabbed his brother, who was supposed to be guarding it.

Pope: You're making a big mistake, Clayton! I really am one hell of a cook!

Clayton: Oh, I don't doubt that! Bye, Pope!

Pope: Pretty handy with a mop, too. This place could use one. It's covered in broken glass.

Pope and Tessa's father fight. Pope gets the best of it but leave the other one live and runs away. On his away, he finds the 2 soldiers, that had escorted the kids earlier, dead.

Pope: Looks like these two won't make it back to the 2nd Mass. Anytime soon. Civilization -- you got to love it.

Back at the school, during the night.

Tom: Captain.

Weaver: The conditions of these bikes is a disgrace.

Tom: Is that right? I'll have to look into that. Which ones of these are gassed up?

Daï: Those two are good to go.

Weaver: I don't remember you being assigned to patrol.

Tom: That's right. You're assigning me now.

Weaver: We have fighters for that. We have Dai --

Tom: Dai can come with me. It's been 48 hours. There's been no sign of the Skitters, no sign of the 3rd. At the very least, the escorts should be back by now.

Weaver: So they were delayed. It happens in war.

Tom: That's not good enough. (He opens a map) Clayton said he's taking the kids to Westminster. It's a half a day's walk. We can do that in a couple of hours. We'll go. We'll check it out. If it's all fine, we'll come back.

Weaver: What happens if the Skitters attack while you're gone? What if they come after you? You're not just another civvy, you know. I could order you to say!

Tom gets on his bike and start it up.

Tom: You could.

Weaver: Tom! Whatever happens, I want you and Dai back. Understood?

Tom and Daï ride away.

Back at the Sanctuary, inside. Tessa's father is walking up the stairs.

Tessa's father: Two miles. No sign of Pope. Think he's gonna try anything?

Clayton: No. Pope could have killed you. And coming after us buys him nothing.

Tessa's father: How long are we gonna keep this up?

Clayton: Look, it's a lot easier on everybody if they want to be here. Next exchange is tomorrow. We'll see after that.

They arrive at the table, where everyone is sharing a happy meal.

Hal: Eating vegetables like a champion. Thought I heard some commotion out there.

Clayton (sitting): One of the sentries thought he saw a coyote.

Mike: You definitely have a different scale of problems out here.

Clayton: You get used to it after a while.

Clayton looks at Rick, who is sitting still, not eating or talking.

Clayton: What's the matter, Rick, not hungry? Tell you what... when your old man and I were posted together, he could not stop talking about you.

Mike: Don't worry. Mostly good stuff.

Rick: And what good stuff could that be? How I was sick all the time? How I could barely catch my breath? ( turning to Ben) How can you eat their food?

Ben: Excuse me?

Ben, annoyed by Rick, leaves with his plate.

Mike: We are guests here, Rick. I raised you better than that. Excuse my son's manners.

Mike leaves also. Hal stands up to clean his plate, imitated by Tessa.

Tessa: You get a pass on chores tonight -- since you're new here.

Hal: You don't have to do that.

Lourdes (on a mocking tone): Since you're new here.

Lourdes leaves also. While taking her coat, she finds the bag of Eli Russel.

Outside. Hal gets out and sees the sentinel watching over him. Tessa joins him.

Tessa: What do you see out there?

Hal: I don't know. Stars. (murmuring) And captain kick-ass up there. (back on normal tone) I mean, I know you guys think you're off the Skitter radar and everything, but shouldn't there at least be patrols or Tessa: Aren't you the soldier?

Hal: Chip off the old block.

Tessa: Then your father, he's still...

Hal: Alive? Yes. Yes. Um I was just thinking about how this is the first time we've been apart since the attack.

Tessa: But you like it here, don't you?

Hal: Yeah.

Lourdes and Mike appear.

Lourdes: Hal.

Hal: I mean, it's nice. I'm sorry. I'll catch up with you later.

He follows his two friends. They get in, appart from the others.

Lourdes (holding the Eli's bag): I knew I'd seen it. Eli Russell was wearing it when his father robbed the clinic.

Mike: I was there when Clayton let the Russells run. Maybe the kid dropped it. What?

Hal: Okay, it's probably nothing, but they've got sentries posted on the house, and the barn's locked up tight.

Mike: So?

Hal: Nobody's watching the sky or the road. I mean, it actually feels like they're more interested in watching us.

Mike: Or maybe not. Look, I've known Terry Clayton since a week after the attack. It's gonna take more than a backpack and looks to convince me this is anything except what he says. Round up the others. Get them to bed. I guarantee this will look better by morning.

Hal: Yeah.

They obey and leave. Mike decides to go check on the barn. He gets in and finds bags and clothing, some from Eli. Clayton appears, a gun in his hands.

Clayton: I always liked you, Mike. That's why I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen.

He gets rid of his gun.

Mike: Eli Russell.

Clayton: Short answer? He was here.

Mike: What's the long answer?

Clayton: I can't even begin to tell you what it was like when the 7th went down. Skitters came after us like locusts. They tore us to pieces. We're the only ones who survived the raid, and the Skitters were still hot on us. I mean, we'd retreat, defend, retreat, defend, and they still kept coming. We had a little young girl with us – Megan. She fell behind. Didn't realize it until it was too late. Skitters got her. And we just kept retreating to save the group. And then they stopped. They stayed away for a week. It's almost like they were saying, "Okay, thanks.

Mike: Thanks for what?

Clayton: For not attacking when they had Megan, for letting them keep her. That's what they figured. So Megan found us here a while later. She'd been harnessed, but she also had a message from the Skitter who was in charge of her group. All they wanted were the kids.

Mike: A Skitter told you this?

Clayton: Through Megan. Yeah. Mike, they didn't want to die any more than we do, but they have their missions, too. It sounds crazy, but it's like every group has to hit their numbers. Once we understood that, once we knew what they wanted and what they didn't want, the arrangement... just evolved.

Mike: You've been trading kids to the Skitters?

Clayton: In return for immunity for my men and their families. That's why I went after the 2nd Mass.

Mike: So the 3rd Mass., on the run, Porter's orders It was all a lie.

Clayton: Yeah. I need to know what you're thinking, Mike.

Mike: What should I be thinking?

Clayton: That this is a messed-up world and this is all we have. And I know that you understand that, and that's why I asked you to come along.

Mike: And if I say no?

Clayton: This is not just about your survival anymore. You got to think about Rick. Mike.

Back at the school. Sarah is lying on a bed, surronded by her friends and waiting for the baby to come. Anne comes in.

Anne: Okay, everyone, I'll let you know when to break out the cigars. And I know you got better things to do. Let's go.

Anne takes the bed a little further in the infirmery.

Sarah: No, Margaret, please, stay.

Maggie; All right. As long as I don't have to say "Push, push.

Sarah: Oh, my God. Is it supposed to feel like this? It's okay.

Anne: It's just a contraction. There you go. And breathe. You got a name picked out?

Sarah: If it's a boy, I was thinking : David.

Maggie: Is that the baby's father?

Sarah: No, that would be sperm donor.

Anne: Yeah, dad's not in the picture.

Sarah: I was a work-at-home interior designer. Figured I could be a work-at-home single mom, too. My timing always sucked.

Anne: What do you mean?

Sarah: I had it all planned out. I was gonna do meetings on Skype. I'd already joined a play group with other working moms. Then, six weeks after I got pregnant, aliens invaded the planet.

Anne: All right, let's take a look. Here you go. Bring your knees up.

Maggie: All right. All right.

Anne: All right. We're just gonna take a look.

Maggie: That's good.

Back at the sanctuary. Mike is standing by the window. Most of the kids are sleeping. Hal sits on a chair.

Mike: I wish you'd known him before. Sick as he was, I never heard him complain. Not once. And, lord, he could make me laugh. I hated it when he was taken. But I hate what they did to him even more.

Mike takes his gun.

Hal: Mike, what's going on?

Lourdes (waking up) Hal?

Mike: Grab your weapon. Gather the others. We're leaving this place now. Clayton's made a deal with the Skitters. Hey, Rick, come on! We got to get up, buddy.

Lourdes (to the kids) We got to go. Got to go -- put your shoes on.

Mike: We need to get out of here.

Lourdes: Get up.

They walk down the stairs. Tessa finds them.

Tessa: Hal? What are you doing?

Hal: Clayton made a deal with the Skitters. Tell me you don't know about this.

Tessa: I-I was gonna talk to them about you, fix it so that you could stay.

Hal (to the kids) : Go. Go.

Tessa: They're never gonna let you leave!

Hal: Go, go, go, go, go go, go, go!

Tessa (yelling) Dad! Dad!!

Hal wants to get her but Mike holds him back.

Mike: No -- no time! Got to go!

Tessa: Dad, wake up! They're leaving! Get up, dad! They're leaving! The kids are getting away!

Mike: Go, go, go, go.

The kids are running out.

Mike: Come on! Come on! Go, go, go!

Man: They're going around this way! Move, move, move!

Clayton: All right, we need the little ones alive!

Men: Go, go, go, go, go, go!

They start shooting, imitated by Mike. All the kids run away but Rick. Mike and his son find shelter behind a car while the others try to surronder them.

Mike: Back here. Stay down. Down!

They continue shooting at each other. One man get hit.

Hal: Come on. Go. Go.

Mike (yelling) I swear to God, I'll kill the next man I see!

Hal comes back for him.

Hal: Mike, come on!

Mike: I got this. You two keep going.

Hal: You can't out-shoot all those guys.

Mike: I can try for a while. You just got to promise me you take care of Rick.

Clayton: Keep him busy.

He goes away from his group.

Hal: Okay.

Mike: Listen, Ricky, no matter what happens, I love you, always. You hear me? But you got to go. You got to run. You stay with Hal. I'll see you soon. Go. Go!

Tessa's father: Line in the sand, is that it?! Or maybe you think you're just somehow better than us!

Mike: They harnessed my son! I know what they're doing to these children! Maybe I can't stop it, but I sure as hell won't be a part of it!

Clayton appears behind Mike.

Clayton: The world's coming apart, Mike.

In the forest, the kids run away. They hear a shot. Hal and Rick stop, understanding that Mike is not coming back.

Hal: Come on. Come on. Let's go. Let's go.

Back at the school. Tom comes back.

Someone: All right, I'll let him know.

Weaver: About time. What'd you find?

Tom: Nothing. This map is wrong.

Weaver: What are you talking about?

Tom: Oh, it's rural, all right, but we didn't see anything even close to Clayton's Sanctuary. Still no sign of the 3rd?

Weaver: No.

Tom: Escorts aren't back yet?

Weaver: No, still not back. Damn it. Clayton had no reason to lie to us.

Tom: Then why is not one thing he told us is holding up? We need to organize search teams. Kids on foot couldn't have gone that far.

Weaver: No way. Our orders are clear. We're to hold this position.

Tom (turning away): Orders relayed to us by a guy that we barely know!

Weaver: In a dicey situation where we don't have clue one about what might have really happened!

Tom: You know something's not right!

Weaver: All I know is what I've been told. We wait!

Tom (getting on his bike)You wait. I'm going back out. It'll be daylight soon.

Tom and Daï go back on the road. On a road, the group of kids is walking, led by Hal and Lourdes, the oldest.

Hal: I haven't heard anything in a while. Maybe we lost them.

Lourdes: It's still a long way back to the school. What do you think? Hal: They're about to fall over. Better it happens inside than out. Let's go this way.

They walk towards a house.

Matt: How's Mike gonna find us?

Hal: He told us to keep moving. He's gonna try to catch up, all right?

Matt: Okay.

Hal: All right, everybody. We're gonna hole up here for a couple of hours. Then we're gonna move out.

Inside. Lourdes gets down the stairs.

Lourdes: The rest of the kids are up in the bedrooms, and they're already asleep.

She sits at the piano.

Hal: You play?

Lourdes: It's been a while.

She finds the music book.

Lourdes: This was always one of my favorites.

Lourdes plays a bit, while Hal looks around the house, Ben looks at the spikes on Rick's back, understanding what he has on his. He joins Hal.

Ben: Think they'll find us?

Hal: They'll try. You should get some sleep.

Ben: I'm not tired. I should go ahead, try and get help.

Hal: No. No. We're staying together. We get a couple hours' sleep, and then we're gonna head out.

Ben: They're exhausted. You're exhausted. I can move faster on my own. Let me do this.

Jimmy: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Ben: Why wouldn't it be?

Jimmy: What if you get lost Or you just keep going?

Ben: Keep going where?

Jimmy: Someplace safer.

Hal: The only place he's going Is the school. And he's right. We need the help. You go to that highway, and you follow it. You stay off road as much as you can. If you see or hear anybody, you run. You run all the way back to the school.

Ben: Okay.

Hal: All right.

Ben: Hal I, um I never said thanks for -- for getting me from the Skitters.

Hal: You're welcome. You math geek.

Ben: Dumb jock.

He leaves, runs. While he takes a fex seconds to drinks from a weir, he heards Clayton's men and hide.

Man: They must have got on the road here.

Clayton: All right, they can't be traveling too fast with the little ones tagging along. So let's keep our eyes open!

Man: I'll try.

Back at the school, in the infirmery, Sarah is having trouble with her baby.

Sarah: It's been hours. Why isn't the baby moving?

Anne: I was afraid of this. Your baby is breech.

Sarah: "Breech" meaning?

Anne: Well, his head is way up here instead of facing down. Baby can't move into the birth canal.

Sarah: Is he okay?

Anne: Well, we need to get him turned around.

Sarah: And if you can't, what, you'll do a C-section, right?

Anne: I'm not an OB/GYN, and I'm not a surgeon.

Maggie: You de-harnessed those kids.

Anne: Yeah, with a blowtorch.

Weaver comes in.

Weaver: Dr. Glass. Is she gonna be able to move if we have to?

Anne: I don't know. Her baby's breech, and I would hate to try a C-section here.

Weaver: Breech?

Weaver gets closer to Sarah.

Weaver: Hello.

He cleans his hands.

Weaver: My first daughter was a breech baby.

Anne: You're going to help?

Weaver: When my daughter was born, I helped the doula turn the baby from the outside.

Anne: You assisted in an external cephalic version?

Weaver: I never knew what they called it, but my wife and I did a home birth. You know, people think that soldiers are brave, but, uh, I'll take combat over childbirth any day. You ready to try this?

Sarah: Yeah.

Weaver: Right. Doctor, shall we?

Anne: Let's get to work.

Outside, on a road. Tom and Daï carry on their search.

Dai: How far out are we?

Tom: Far. If this war is coming, it's taking its sweet time. That looks like Ben. Ben!

Ben: Dad!

Tom: Where's Hal and Matt?!

Ben (talking very fast): They're with the others, but they don't know Clayton's coming!

Tom: They're not at the sanctuary.

Ben: No, no, no. Mike said it wasn't safe, so we left. They started shooting at us!

Tom: Who was shooting at you -- Clayton?

Ben: Dad I think Mike's dead.

Tom: Is anybody else hurt?

Ben: I-I don't know.

Tom: Okay. You're okay. Dai's gonna take you back, but first I need you to tell me everything.

In the house. Matt and Jaimie are playing to the naval battle game.

Matt: G-4.

Jimmy: Ah. Psych. Not even close.

Rick is looking at the window.

Jimmy: Hey. What are you looking at?

Rick: I'm waiting.

Lourdes (to Hal) You're worried about Ben.

Hal: I'm worried about all of them. This must be what my dad goes through, except for he's a lot better at dealing with it than I am.

Matt: No way! You sunk my battleship.

Hal: Guys! Hey, pack that up, all right? We got to hit the road here soon.

Lourdes: Kind of like the old days, you know. Eating in the dining room Board games.

Hal: Yeah. Never had the patience for them. Lacrosse, football -- that was my thing.

Lourdes: Ever think we'll have this again?

Hal: Someday.

Lourdes: You really think we can beat them?

Hal: Think we're gonna kick their alien ass.

Clayton (screaming so that he is heard from inside): Good morning!

Jimmy: They found us.

Hal: Quiet. Quiet.

Clayton: Come on out! We're taking you home!

Hal: Stay down.

Clayton: You know, I actually thought of buying in this neighborhood once upon a time. Don't make me come in there for you, Hal! Nobody wants to see anybody else get hurt!

Hal: We know about your deal! You need us alive!

Clayton: Yeah, well, there's a term in war -- "Acceptable losses." If one of your friends gets hurt or killed, I can live with that. Can you?!

Hal: Go to hell!

He starts shooting.

Clayton: Down! Get by the tree!

Tessa's father: Kid's armed, Clayton. Not good.

Lourdes: What are we gonna do now?

Hal: I'm gonna try to hold them off. You take them out the back.

Clayton: Take out the shooter, and the rest will walk out. All right. Got a line on him? Take your shot.

The shooter gets shot in the back. It's Pope.

Clayton: Behind you!

Pope (to Hal) Get your damn head down, kid!

Tessa's father: Get around!

Pope: Hey, Clayton! How's that Skitter deal working now, huh?! Clayton: Watch the house. Nail that son of a bitch!

Pope gets hit in the leg and falls behind a tree.

Pope: Aah!

Clayton: Give it up, Pope!

Pope: Aah.

Tom appears hidden, targeting Pope.

Pope: Pull up a chair, Professor.

Tom: Put it down, Pope.

Pope: No, I'm just getting started. Trying to give your kids a fighting chance.

Tom: That doesn't explain why you're here.

Pope: It's complicated. I got no tolerance for anybody who gets into bed with the Skitters.

Tom: How many are down there?

Pope: Got six or seven. Your whole tribe's down there. Your oldest has a gun. They'll kill him if it gets them the rest.

Tom: That's too many of them. If we open up, we might get lucky and get one or two.

Pope: I'll take those odds.

Tom: I won't. We get into a firefight, we're not the only ones at risk.

Pope: So what are you gonna do?

Tom: Stop it. (Yelling) Hold your fire! Pope's dead! Clayton, it's Tom Mason! I'm coming out!

Matt: It's dad!

Tessa's father: Hey! Mason -- how'd he find us?

Clayton: We're not taking any prisoners today, Mason!

Tom: You might want to think about that.

Clayton: Yeah?

Tom: Everything you told us is a lie. I know you haven't talked to Porter, 'cause I have, and he's on his way.

Clayton: And you're gonna what? You're gonna offer yourself up as a hostage. Is that it? Why?

Tom: I don't want them to get hurt.

Clayton: Grab his weapon.

Tessa's father: What makes you think he's telling the truth?

Clayton: Cause Tom's smart enough to understand that if I even suspect he's lying, I'm gonna take it out on his boys. All right, Tom, you call them out!

Tom: Hal, Matt, come on out! It's all over! Everybody, come on out!

They obey, Matt runs towards his father.

Matt: Dad!

Hal: Dad, what'd you do?

Tom: You would have kept fighting, and they would have killed you, and I'm not gonna let that happen.

Hal: Going back's just as bad.

Tom: First rule of combat is survive.

Man: Okay, let's go.

They walk back to the sanctuary.

Tessa's father: Some night. Took a big hit for this one.

Clayton: Yeah, it was worth it.

Matt (holding by his brother): What's gonna happen to dad?

Hal: I don't know.

Clayton: All right! Let's get all the kids in the stable! Now!

A man seperats Hal and Matt, a bit violently

Lourdes: Hey. Hey. I got him. I got him.

Man: Stay with them.

Matt: No! I'm not going! Dad!

Someone shots one of the men.

Weaver: Drop 'em!

He shoots another one.

Weaver: Okay, who's next?! Who's next?!

Tom and Hal take a weapon. The 7th Mass surrenders.

Clayton: What about me, Dan? You gonna shoot me, too?

Weaver: Only if I have to.

Clayton: Tom So what's the next step in this plan of yours? 'Cause I was thinking maybe...

He pulls out a weapon from his jacket and threatens to kill Hal. Tom doesn't hesitate and eliminate the threat.

Tom: You okay?

Hal: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Did you know they were waiting for us?

Tom: I hoped. Wasn't sure you were gonna show up.

Weaver: I almost didn't.

Ben (appearing): Dad!

Tom: Told you to send the cavalry, not come with them.

The Masons hug each other.

Tom: What do you want to do about them?

Weaver: We'll take their weapons, but I don't see bringing these people back to the 2nd Mass. You people You can go or you can stay -- I don't really give a damn. But if I find that you've been dealing with the Skitters again, I'll kill every last one of you.

Jimmy (giving the soccer ball to Ben) Thanks for coming back for us. You did really good.

Back at the school, Sarah his holding her crying babygirl, called Charlotte.

Sarah: Charlotte, how can you be hungry again?

Pope is lying next to them, treated for his wound.

Pope: Why is it I always get the seat next to the crying baby?

Maggie comes to him and pull the curtain to seperate them.

Maggie: Show's over, creep.

Tom comes in right in time to hear and hesitate to proceed towards the new mom.

Anne: That wasn't for you.

Tom: Congratulations on a successful delivery.

Anne: Weaver did most of the work. After that, it was just your average childbirth in a high-school chem lab. Sarah was great. Baby Charlotte is beautiful. Ten fingers, ten toes.

Tom: I always loved that sound.

Pope (grumpy): Yeah, I'm fine, by the way.

Anne: He'll limp, but he'll live.

Tom: You could have kept running.

Pope: Probably should have. Probably still will, given half the chance.

Tom: Well, until you do, the kitchen's short-handed.

Pope: I guess I'm back where I started.

Tom: Consider yourself lucky.

Outside, everyone is gathered to give the military funerals to Mike.

Hal: Mike was a good man, good father. I could tell from being around him how much he loved Rick. Like all of us here today, he was faced with a decision. He could have run and saved himself. But instead He stood his ground and fought for us. I'm gonna miss him. We're gonna miss him.

Tom: Captain.

Weaver: You go ahead.

Maggie takes Hal's hand and Tom takes his place before everyone.

Tom: If this was a proper military funeral, we'd have somebody playing "Taps." It's a bugler's song from the Civil War used to signify the end of a day's work. And in a way, it's a lullaby, to tell soldiers that... all was well and that it was safe to rest. So rest easy, Mike. We'll take it from here.

Dai and another man fold an American flag, Lourdes sings.

Lourdes: And our eyes at last shall see him ♪ through his own ♪ Weaver: Clayton told his Skitter friends that he'd secured our kids. That ought to buy us a couple of days.

Tom: Should never have let them go.

Dai gives the flag to Rick.

Weaver: It was the best option, given what we knew.

Tom: Next time, I'll trust my instincts.

Lourdes: Our lord, in heaven above ♪

Rick: I don't understand how people could kill each other.

Ben: Sorry about your dad.

Rick: Why? Killing's in their nature.

Ben: Their nature?

Rick: Humans. We would never kill one of our own. You should understand that.

 Rédigé par DoctorDean

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Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

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Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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